The objective of this study was to identify and score attributes of areas that serve as important stopover sites for migratory birds within 25 km (15 miles) of the shorelines of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, and connecting water bodies, in the US and Canada, and then map potential stopover habitats across the region based on available GIS data layers.
The criteria used to predict locations of stopover sites are based on a literature review and unpublished information gained from reports and regional stopover experts. (Published resources we used, plus many others, are available in the stopover bibliography). We identified attributes associated with stopover sites that could be mapped with regionally (US and Canada) available data layers, developed criteria to score these attributes, and then produced maps based on these scores to indicate the relative importance of stopover sites in our study area. For complete methods, please see the methods section of the final report and/or the metadata, both available on the Downloads page.
To design this web portal, we studied a range of existing web portals and interactive web maps, not limited to those addressing natural resources. Through this process we gathered a list of features related to design, content, and functionality that we thought were useful for building our web portal. We also sought input from a range of potential users via survey questionnaire regarding what content and functionality would be helpful to them. We then prioritized these lists of features via brainstorming and group decision making techniques to develop the prototype version of this web portal. Finally we conducted a facilitated workshop with a small group of users to test the prototype and gather their feedback to further improve it. The feedback gathered via workshop was further prioritized via brainstorming and group decision making techniques to implement essential features, which has resulted in the current version of this web portal.
The Nature Conservancy collaborated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, many conservation organizations, universities, and corporations to predict the relative importance of different areas as stopover sites near Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario, and conntecting waters, to create this web portal. The Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service supported development of the predictive model and this website.
This web portal reflects the contributions of many partners, beginning with articulation of stopover models in the western Lake Erie basin of Ohio and Michigan, and continuing with development of models in Chicago Wilderness; Great Lakes basins of Wisconsin; Saginaw Bay, Michigan; Lake Huron, Erie and Ontario regions of Ontario; and the Lake Ontario watershed of New York. The many people who provided expertise in developing these models, and those who applied the models to work on the ground, have directly and indirectly shaped the content and organization of the web portal. We are also very grateful to the researchers who have studied stopover sites and made their information available to us through publications and personal communication.
We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of workshop participants who critiqued the functionality and content of a draft web portal during a workshop held in 2013. These collaborators include Amanda Conover (Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative), Julie Craves (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Kim Grveles (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources), Ron Huffman (Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge), Kevin Joyce (Black Swamp Conservancy, OH), Rob Krain (Black Swamp Conservancy, OH), Sarah Mabey (Hiram College, OH), Judy Pollock (Audubon Chicago Region), Bradly Potter (Upper Midwest/Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative), George Raber (University of Southern Mississippi), Matt Shackelford (DTE Energy), and Mark Shieldcastle (Black Swamp Bird Observatory). The website is currently hosted by the University of Southern Mississippi.
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Caroline Lake, Wisconsin. High quality stopover site with diverse vegetation cover adjacent to water. ©TNC archives
Scarlet Tanager. ©TNC archives
Forest Beach Migratory Preserve, Wisconsin. Photo credit: © Luke Wuest
DTE Energy. Habitat creation for migrating landbirds at the River Rouge Power Plant along the Detroit River. ©TNC archives
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. Creation of stopover habitat for waterfowl and shorebirds. Photo credit: ©James Cole