Great Lakes Migratory Bird Stopover Portal

Birds World: learn Serbian


Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia

For over thirty years, BPSSS has motivated individuals to merge and take action to promote positive change and safeguard natural and cultural heritage. The organization encourages and directs the efforts of institutions, organizations, individuals, and the general public to preserve wildlife and ecology and proposes and implements solutions. A network of active members, volunteers, and associates who are competent and motivated to participate in the research, preservation, public education, and promotion of Serbia's wildlife and nature is established and maintained by BPSSS. BPSSS is instituting various projects and programs designed to educate both children and adults, as it is cognizant that a substantial portion of the issues associated with the conservation of wildlife and nature are the result of a shortage of knowledge.

You can contact a Serbian tutor to learn not only the names of birds but also to discuss the ornithological world, bird populations, and nesting patterns in Serbian. On the page, you can find Serbian tutors who can provide a thematic lesson depending on the student's request.

Bird vocabulary in Serbian

  1. Bird (Ptica) Птица
  2. Duck (Patka) Патка
  3. Peacock (Paun) Паун
  4. Crow (Vrana) Врана
  5. Pigeon (Golub) Голуб
  6. Turkey (Ćurka) Ћурка
  7. Goose (Guska) Гуска
  8. Owl (Sova) Сова
  9. Ostrich (Noj) Ној
  10. Parrot (Papagaj) Папагај
  11. Stork (Roda) Рода
  12. Eagle (Orao) Орао
  13. Hawk (Soko) Соко